
Thanks to everyone who supported our Christmas Hamper Appeal

Thanks to local businesses, our Christmas Hamper Appeal has been another great success. Thanks to the many local businesses, organisations, and community groups who gave generously Voluntary Norfolk’s Christmas Hamper Appeal, 100s of households received gifts for Christmas this year. Their donations helped bring some festive cheer to individuals and families across Great Yarmouth and

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ShedFest Celebrating ‘All Things Shed!’

You may of heard of ‘Men’s Shed’ and even the recent addition of ‘Women’s Shed’, but have you heard of ‘ShedFest?’ This annual event is a National celebration of ‘all things shed’ and recently took place in Worcester, attended by representatives from all over the country. Our Better Together Norfolk Men’s Shed Network Facilitator, Jonny

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Donna’s journey from isolation to independence

Donna is a survivor, who has experienced the unimaginable. She had been violated and her trust in men shattered. Donna’s Story Earlier this year she was referred to the Better Together Norfolk team by the Community Mental Health team. At the time, Donna rarely left the house, fearing the judgement of others. She was drinking

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