
‘All Together Café’ Evolves

The All Together Café, run in collaboration with Waveney Foodbank, has been running for over a year now, offering a weekly social space that provides a free cuppa and cake. During the winter months the café has evolved and is being run as a warm space. People can come along during the hours of 10am to 4pm every Tuesday.

There are activities for people to take part in if they wish, and there is homemade soup and a roll free of charge at lunchtime, as well as toasted sandwiches during the afternoon. All of this is free for anyone who attends the All Together Café.

There was also a warm café held on 27th December, during the Christmas break. This was for anyone who felt they would enjoy the warmth and company during the long Christmas break.

There are four other warms spaces in Harleston, so people have somewhere to go most days of the week.

Community hot-spots have sprung up across Norfolk to help people deal with the cost of living crisis. A Community Hot-Spot is more than just a warm space for people to take a break from the cold. They are welcoming spaces, where people can meet with friends and family. There they can also access services to make this winter more bearable. Whether this is a warm meal and a hot drink, or access to specialist services like money advice or a food bank referral, people can empower themselves to get what they need. For more information about community hot spots in Norfolk, please click here.

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