
Slow Cookers Appeal Raises £1000s

Earlier this year we launched our “Better Cooking Together” campaign. The plan was to raise money to buy and give away lots of slow cookers to people across Norfolk who needed them most.

We are pleased to announce that we raised over £6200 thanks to generous donations from a couple of organisations and a number of smaller donations from individuals.

We have now purchased the slow cookers and plan to distribute them for free, to clients of Better Together Norfolk and other Voluntary Norfolk services such as Carers Matter Norfolk.

Laura Hughes, a Life Connector for Better Together who oversaw the project said:

“In this climate of uncertainty many people are just not able to make ends meet. That’s why this appeal was so important.”

A slow cooker has several benefits, such as hands-off cooking, energy conservation, and bringing out the flavour in most foods. They also promote healthy cooking and are easier to use than most cooking appliances. They’re also perfect for a busy household where time is precious, especially as they save on washing up.

To read more about the appeal, please click here

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